Legacies of Slavery | Landscapes of Segregation: Universities Studying Slavery Fall 2022 Conference

Legacies of Slavery | Landscapes of Segregation
Universities Studying Slavery Fall 2022 Conference

September 28-October 1, 2022 in Charlottesville, Virginia

In Fall 2022, the University of Virginia and its President’s Commission on the University in the Age of Segregation (PCUAS) will host the USS conference: Legacies of Slavery | Landscapes of Segregation, highlighting slavery’s many enduring legacies after emancipation and also confront the American academy’s history of both benefiting from and perpetuating those legacies. We seek to examine a wide variety of topics: reconstruction, disfranchisement, redlining, racially restrictive zoning, racial terrorism, policing and incarceration, racist science’s impacts on public policy, and resulting inequalities in health, industry, housing, and education. Although the central theme focuses on the post-emancipation world, the conference will address a wide array of topics related to slavery, slavery’s afterlives, and universities. 

For more information visit the symposium website.